Rides with Friends #5 Perseids Meteor Shower Campout

Welcome to the Perseids Meteor Shower Campout Photo Marc P

August 12-13, 2023 The Perseids Meteor Shower Campout is a longstanding event hosted by Friends of Black Rock High Rock. Two years ago I decided to ride out to the camp rather than drive. Why not, I’m the bike guy. It was a smokey evening but I had a blast! Last year I included it as part of Rides with Friends. The appeal is the activities provided by FBRHR, the short distance, the ability to car camp and bike ride, and the support provided by FBRHR. Just as the ½ day ride offered during the Black Rock Rendezvous is a unique type of ride in the Rides w Friends series, so is Perseids. The participants took full advantage of the many ways to bike camp vs. bikepack.

Jaime, Mark, Greg, Shreesh, and Neena riding in to camp

There were 3 rides over the weekend, the ride from 12 mile entrance to camp and return, a short night ride loop, and a sunrise ride across the playa to the terminus of the Quinn River. Over those three rides I had 11 participants. With the unique nature of this trip you could participate in any combination of the rides. Two participants rode from camp to 12 mile, and then rode in with the group. Mark Y. did the same but also did the night ride and Quinn River ride. Marc P. rode in Saturday evening on his own and then participated in all the rides. Two participants only did the night ride away from camp. There was something for everyone.

Club Black Rock Desert Photo Mark Y

A midsummer playa bikepacking trip is a bit crazy. But collaborating with car campers/ overlanders is an option. Travel at twilight or nighttime and resting under shade is a must. There is always the feeling of rising temperatures as midday approaches and the subsequent cooling as evening sets in. Water resupply on or near the playa is available at Mud Creek Reservoir and the Quinn River, though both sources are very silty. But the Perseids Meteor Shower campout was a great option. It answered all those questions; how much water do I need (I drank 4-6 L a day with limited midday activity), what size tires do I need (2+” on designated routes and firm playa surfaces, 3+” to get through the soft stuff, and there are those who get away with gravel width tires 1.5-2.0″), and there is also clothing choices, shelter, and food. In a group setting you see as many solutions. You figure it out very quickly but still have a safety net around you.

Shreesh Taskar demonstrating the perfect kit for a midsummer desert crossing Photo Neena T
It worked like a charm!

Shreesh and Neena Taskar took water carrying very seriously and hauled it it on a Bob Trailer. Kudos to them for making it happen! We don’t see much trailer use in bikepacking but it is a viable option. Bring back trailerpacking!

We were in camp before noon after a surreal trip across 7 miles of playa. Try riding with your eyes closed. Are you going straight? You are going forward! This is also the beginning of the construction of Black Rock City, the temporary 4th largest town in Nevada, the location of Burning Man. In camp we sat under shade structures, chatted with other campers, and greeted new arrivals. FBRHR focusses this trip as an opportunity to thank volunteers for their support. As a FBRHR board member, thank you, we couldn’t do it without you. The generosity of of members and volunteers motivates our stewardship activities!  The next big event was the Paella Feed!

Board member and wearer of many hats, Jerry Snyder, and crew set up 3 paella pans and constructed the feast. I heard a bit of Jerry’s calling out for ingredients and timing, what a great wild chef! Everyone was in for a treat. I limited myself to a single serving, but found myself in line for seconds.

After dinner there were talks and presentations put on by the staff of FBRHR. Stacey Wittek talked about the importance of public land stewardship. Damien and Olivia hosted NCA Trivia, and Nick gave a great introduction to dark skies conservation and Indigenous Cosmology. Former board member Will Rogers hosted Dangerous Margaritas at his camp. Never underestimate the power of tequila. As the stars started to appear the main event was on.

With every shooting star there was a cheer from stargazing campers. At peak viewing I heard there were over 100 shooting stars an hour! We took a little bike ride to get away from camp and I didn’t choose the best route. It was soft on the edge of the playa and we should have either followed the designated route or ridden on the hard baked surface of the playa. Lesson learned for next year.

A lazy shot of the sky from the door of my tent

Back in camp we did a little looking for scorpions by black light. They are fascinating little creatures. Then I shot some lazy night sky pictures from the entrance of my tent. All for fun!

The next morning I had coffee with Mark and Marc, before we headed across the playa with the rising sun to the terminus of the Quinn River. Last year this was a highlight as we witnessed the Quinn advancing toward the desert. Little creatures were making a mad scramble out of cracks in the clay ahead of the flood. This year was no less phenomenal. The Quinn was still flowing and was pooling in a very shallow pond on the playa. The wandering delta kept the playa green with vegetation and provided habitat for birds and dragonflies.

On the ride back to camp Mark had a close encounter with a preying mantis. If you spend enough time on the baked clay of the playa you are likely to have many strange and wonderful encounters.

After breaking camp and saying our good-byes we pedaled back to 12 Mile and made our way to Bruno’s for brunch. Mark and Marc and I were joined by Jamie and Greg for good food and laughs. Laughs are always the measure of a great Rides with Friends.

By the numbers: In and out of camp was 6.5 miles each way, the night outing was 2.5 miles, and the Quinn River visit was 16.6 miles. A 32 mile weekend is a nice little trip. Elevation gain… 8′. If you record much more than that you are lost.

Framed by the Calico Mountains and the Black Rock Range

Two great events hosted by Friends of Black Rock High Rock are the Black Rock Rendezvous and Perseids Meteor Shower Campout. Both are fantastic with or without the bike component. As always if there is anything I can do to help get you out there, please ask. Hope to see you soon! The last Rides with Friends Bikepacking Overnight is October 14-15 Black Rock Hot Springs and Micro-Playa Tour.

Riding til’ Snack Time Photo Marc P

4 thoughts on “Rides with Friends #5 Perseids Meteor Shower Campout

  1. Phillip

    I was hoping to go on this trip but took and left my in Scotland. I’m planning on the October ride. Very excited for it. Enjoyed the blog!

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